It reduces our sex drive. It lowers our happiness index. It shoehorns us into a 9 to 5 lifestyle to which our merrymaking demeanour is not accustomed.
It's all about conformity n' sheet. The man's always trying to put us into a box. It won't do.
A magical race of people, the scientific name for the Australopithecus means "pure sunshine", "he who likes to take things at his own pace", and "that man over there, your honour".
The most diabolical act of genocide that the Piltdown Man ever cooked up was the 40 hour working week. Having to get up and do stuff really cramps our style. It threatens our time-honoured cultural traditions.
Whilst our boring Neanderthal cousins haven't been able to get on top of this situation over the last 30,000 years, the cleverer 'pithecines like myself are all over this one.
We just snooze at work.
"Stop dozing off at the monitor! You almost got hundreds of passengers killed! I'm docking your annual leave!"
- the curse of the Department Head