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Sunday, July 18, 2021

So, the old fox has finally thrown in the towel

Regular readers have been asking - well alright they haven't actually submitted any comments in a few years, but I know my audience well enough by now to guess what's on their minds - why I haven't done a piece yet on the closure of Vault-Co.

I suppose I was giving Texas Arcane a sort of a grace period, to make sure that this wasn't yet another temporary hiatus. It would appear that this time however, for reasons unknown, he really has pulled the plug on his long running Vault-Co blog.

Did he suddenly go into hiding from shadowy figures in high places because he was getting too close to the truth? Did he meet an untimely demise because the powers that be wanted to shut him up? Did he get a full time job? We don't know, and we may never know. All we know for certain is that there isn't any more source material to mine parodying of my original content here at Fault-Co. 

You'd think I could finally settle back with a cup of Tetley, but it's a Pyrrhic victory in some ways; like that skit from Family Guy where Wile E Coyote finally caught the Roadrunner and then didn't quite know what to do with his life from there on out.

Honk if you're still alive, Tex. (Asking for a friend.)

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