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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Was John Titor's Time Machine available on eBay?

Can somebody help me track down this elusive artifact - it's not that I'm trying to warn the planet about an impending nuclear holocaust... My angle on this is that I'm after a ticket back to 1982. Reagan was president, Laundromats ran at a comfortable 65°C wash cycle, and an independant game developer like myself could really make a cosy existance out of a gaming market with good wholesome modest expectations.

I mean these days, releasing a 90% finished video game in 320x200 resolution that requires a 400 page manual to navigate past the menu screen doesn't quite engender the same awe and respect as it once did back in '82, when a man could earn a tidy living peddling the likes of such to young C64 owners and never be found wanting for lucrative contracts and amenable women.

Once, we were kings.

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