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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thals be Neanderin'


As referenced here by a commentor some time back, the Thals were an aggressive race of invaders who bested the Australopithecines by the fluke of inventiveness. One of their number has embarked upon an act of sheer bastardry this time, by actually constructing his own artificial island and planning to detach it from the Mexican mainland - thus depriving the inhabitants of taxation and sustenance.

Try and envisage the treachery of a mind that has the freak luck of inventin' stuff on a regular basis, producing a surplus of wealth, and then for whatever reason doesn't want the fruits of their labour divided up amongst the teaming masses by the local governing body. Such villainy warrants a tether.


  1. uh oh, tex changed his format... looks like the ball's in your court, hombre.

  2. Just as I was looking forward to a relaxing Sunday without any work to do, just drifting about on the water, that Keynesian encumbrance conjures up a make-work project to keep my hands busy.

    The dark intentions cry out to the heavens. Retribution will be swift.

  3. surely this fraud has nothing but evil intentions and distracts you from your honorable labors by piggy-backing on your interwebz fame, while duping the masses with this latest cunning act of deception, putting you, the founder of this righteous movement, on your heels (or so he thinks).

    go forth, good man; make your retribution swift and sure; slaughter and reveal this plagiarist for what he is so that glorious truth might finally be revealed for all to witness!

    p.s. write more shite; it's hilarious. er, i mean profound.
